Monday, October 15, 2012

Shoe Horns vs. Pill Boxes

I bet you are all wondering why such an odd title of a post "Shoe Horns vs. Pill Boxes." I will explain.

Shoe Horn:

This morning as Derek was getting dressed he was sitting down on the bed (imagine a Mr. Rogers position) putting his shoes on one by one when he started struggling with one of his shoes. After struggling and finally getting his shoe on his foot he said to me, "Do you know a great gift you could get me that would be cheap?...A shoe horn." My response to this was... well I just started laughing. I truly thought he was joking. I didn't mean it in a mean way. I have never heard of anyone actually using a shoe horn except possibly a few men over the age of 80. I don't think any of the males in my family even own a shoe horn, or ever have or will. I've never seen anyone use them and to me they seem pretty useless. Maybe I am just a little naive when it comes to shoe horns, but they just don't seem to be that useful of an item for me. Derek went on to debate that he would use a shoe horn every morning (I'm not sure of that) and that it would probably save him 15 seconds a day which over a year (he really did do the calculation) would save him an hour and a half. I told him that if he could find anyone our age that actually used a shoe horn and found someone else that told Derek that would be a smart purchase and useful to him than I would be happy to buy him one. I am happy to buy him one anyway, but more of a joke from me. Apparently a simple shoe horn is what makes my husband happy. Thoughts on this from anyone?

Now onto the Pill Box...

Pill Box:

To start off the story here is a little background: Derek and I take a huge handful of vitamins every morning. Our vitamins consists of  Vitamin C, Vitamin D, selenium, acidophilus pill, cranberry pills, bone supplements  a multi-vitamin pill, and 4 balance of nature pills. Those are our basic everyday pills. Sometimes we even have additional pills. It takes me about 1 minute (or more...but lets just say 1 minute for easy math) to separate these pills every morning between Derek and I to make sure we get all the different pills. I also did some calculation and that adds up to 365 minutes a year or roughly 6 hours a year. As I was at the pharmacy the other day waiting for a very long time for my prescription to be ready I started wandering the store. I came across a pill box divider. As pictured above, they have the big S M T W T F S on it and you separate all your pills into everyday so you can keep track of all your pills and on what days you should take what pills. Well, I thought it was brilliant to make this purchase saving me 6 hours a year dividing these up at the beginning of every week so that each morning when we are usually in a rush we can just grab our pre-sorted pills and move on with life...easy. Excited about my pill box purchase, I come home to show Derek and what does he do? He laughs at me. He says only old crazy people that have a crazy amount of pills own these. At least mine is a useful thing that saves us time and struggle each morning. Is it so bad to try and be organized like this? Thoughts on this from anyone?

Now, I do admit. No matter how you go about this, we kind of do sound like old people. Derek with his shoe horns and me with my pill boxes. But now I would like to open this up to our readers out there. What one do you think is more practical? We are taking a poll.


  1. Haha I used to use shoe horns all the time, and I think they are totally practical! However, now I wear strictly flip flops... So I don't have a use for them anymore. But when I was younger, my dad bought one or two of them for us and I just thought it was the coolest thing ever! As for pill boxes, I also used to use those when I was younger, to put my vitamins in, just so that I could be cool! Now I don't take anything but my prenatal and sometimes benadryl for allergies, so it doesn't take a whole lot of time. But if I were taking more pills, I think I would totally use them! In short, I would have to agree with both of you about the usefulness of the two items!

  2. You 2 are funny! I pill box is more practical for me to carry my vitamins in :)
